vendredi 9 septembre 2016

The Skinny Asian Diet

WELCOME!. This is my own personal story of the EXACT way I lost 62 pounds
in just 3 months while still eating EVERYTHING I love...and how you can too:

If you had lunch with a girlfriend you hadn't seen in a couple months and she showed up having lost 60+ pounds...would you be curious how she did it?

And if she said she was eating BIG meals and hadn't worked out or exercised hard at all...what would you be willing to do to learn her secret?

My name is Catherine Cheng. I'm 35 years old, and I was born on the Chinese island of Taiwan.

Yes, that's me in the pictures, and I fought the same giant thighs, the same ugly belly, and the same flabby arms that you may be suffering with now...

Ten years ago I moved from Taiwan to America to enjoy the wondeful life here, and in just two years my weight ballooned up to over 170 pounds.

It got so bad that I refused to send my parents and family back home any pictures or video of myself, because I was so disappointed and ashamed.

I felt awful, and grew more lonely and isolated as time passed. I started staying in my room always, I cut off most of my friends, and basically left the living world so I wouldn't have to face my own fears.

For years I tried every eating plan and diet, everything from that "cookie diet" to actually eating nothing but cabbage soup for two weeks straight.

Nothing worked. I would lose 10 or 15 pounds, but once I stopped whatever program I was on the weight would come back quickly.

During those dark times I happened to read an article in a magazine that talked about how much thinner Asian people typically were to the average American. The article didn't go into reasons, it just listed some statistics.

I thought back to my life in Taiwan, and how both myself and the rest of the women there were all lean and fit...even though we had the same McDonalds and Burger Kings and Pizza Huts that America does!

I decided that I was SICK of being fat and unhappy, and living like a hermit! Sick of hiding from every mirror and "wishing" I were thin again!

I was so angry and frustrated at that moment that I actually threw the magazine against the wall hard enough that my roomate at the time knocked on the door and asked if I was alright.

I was NOT alright! It was time to DO something!

I began my search for what I later would call my "Skinny Asian Diet" by doing phone interviews with just about every friend or family member back in Taiwan that I knew...

Specifically, I wanted to know the details of their daily routines:
  • Did they ever count calories? (never)
  • How often did they work out? (rarely)
  • What did they eat at each meal? (anything)
  • Did they have any get-thin secrets? (yes)
  • How often did they eat fast food? (a lot)
I asked over 50 questions, and the more I asked the more clear it became that the answer to secret Asian weight loss methods didn't center around endless workouts at the gym, or starving yourself until you PASS OUT from going hungry.

And it wasn't about following some fad-diet or exercise plan that have been OVER-HYPED by false marketing and advertising tactics.

Instead, dropping weight easily was all about the LITTLE things!

Things like triggering a fat-burning metabolic increase from something I did the WRONG way every day without knowing it...
Or how eating MORE actually helps flatten the tummy if you make one single change...
Or doing a simple mind-trick that makes the brain believe it needs to reduce body fat even though there is NO exercise taking place...
Or how a popular stress-reliever helps Asian women melt off the pounds right after giving birth...
And dozens more.

Just little small easy things that added up to a monsterous increase in our body's own ability to stay lean and healthy no matter what.

I was amazed.
I took notes, studied the science behind the results, went through the audio recordings I had made, and transcribed endless pages of data and information.
All towards the goal of assembling the "PERFECT" daily routine to easily lose weight in a healthy way without craving the food I loved.
When I was finished I knew that it all sounded good, but would it work? Would I be able to get my own Skinny Asian body back?

That feeling...where you try on a size 2 or 3 dress the first time after you lose weight, and it actually FITS, and you look FANTASTIC in it, is impossible to desribe...
There I was in an Express store at the mall, standing in the fitting room for what must have been an hour haha, staring into the mirror and just smiling. It was a joy like nothing I've ever experienced.

I had done it!!!
I was at my goal weight, just a little over 3 months after I had started...

I cried tears of joy, and tears of thanks that the nightmare was now behind me.

And the surprising thing is that it had been EASY. I just followed each of the little Asian tricks and tips that I had learned, it didn't even feel like being on a plan.

I never felt like I was depriving myself.

I never had cravings that made me want to eat half a bucket of vanilla ice cream or a bunch of chocolate-frosted cupcakes.

I just followed a simple routine that even allowed me to eat out and have fun!

In short, it ALL worked. Everything had done what it was suppossed to, it's no wonder that Asian women have been doing these things for over 500 years!

The absolute joy in my life from being thin is extremely hard to describe.

It feels like every day is an adventure, like when a catalog comes in the mail I KNOW that I can order anything in it and be happy with how it looks on me...

My metabolism is burning calories 24/7 thanks to the easy things I do that help me to maintain my goal weight without exercising or denying myself why not enjoy that last piece of delicious cake? :)

I got married last year, to a wonderful Man, and that's part of the reason why this website exists....

I told my husband my story about battling weight gain. About the pain I had endured, and all the struggles.

And he felt it was inspirational!

He felt that the information I had used to drop so much weight could help a lot of people suffering from being heavy.

Last year I decided he was right, and that I would create the ULTIMATE weight loss solution to finally free everyone from the darkness of obesity.

I would take everything I had learned and proven along the road to a skinny new me, add to it, and create a breakthrough system that ANYONE could have 100% success with...even if they had never lost a SINGLE POUND on other diets.

The process of getting the system finished was much harder than I thought it would be. I wanted it to deliver maximum results to even those with an ultra-slow metabolism.

I wanted everything to be abosolutely perfect, a total fat-burning rocket ride for anyone using it, with dramatic weight loss even within the FIRST TWO WEEKS.

And I wanted my plan to be easy to learn, and simple to understand and do.

When I was heavy I HATED those diets and weight loss systems that had complicated instructions that no regular person could ever actually perform.

I wanted my program to be effortless and able to be done in just minutes a day by Mothers with careers or even time-crunched college students on the go.

Finally, after nearly a year of preperation, work, research, and results, I now am ready to proudly present the LAST diet program you will EVER need.

Get your favorite skinny-jeans out of the closet ladies! Because this is the day you take your first step on the road to a SEXY, HEALTHY, REBORN new life!

The Skinny Asian Diet Program gives you all of the incredible strategies, and secret methods Asian Women are using to get super-lean, super-healthy, and super-happy...without expensive fitness gear, and without going hungry.

And it works even if your schedule is too busy for a single spare minute!

Whether you're a career-oriented gal logging 60 hours a week at the office, or a stay-at-home Mom who would like to finally drop that annoying post-baby fat you've been carrying, the program will get you where you want to be fast.

The beauty of the program is that it works for every weight loss doesn't matter if you're 10 pounds overweight or 100 pounds overweight, you will achieve your goal number quickly!

The Skinny Asian Diet works for Men too, so feel free to share the system with your Husband or Boyfriend if he has his own spare-tire you'd like to see disappear.

The best part of all is that it won't feel like you're on a diet at all... It will feel like you're living life to the fullest, eating large meals filled with great food that is simple to prepare, with no midnight cravings for sweets or other guilty pleasures!

I've put everything into my Skinny Asian Diet program to make sure you not only have success immediately, but also keep the weight off for GOOD.

The major parts of the program seperated into simple "Modules" that are easy to follow and add to your everyday life.

Each Module has been designed for MAXIMUM fat loss:

MANUAL: The Main Program

The heart and soul of the system, the Main Program is packed with detailed breakdowns and information on the exact weight loss methods Asian Women use to get a flat belly, lean thighs, and thin arms FAST.

This is the same method I teach to students in my local weight loss seminars and classes, and it's everything you need to lose inches FAST.

Module #1: Metabolism Master Meals

Every rocketship needs fuel, and this group of specially designed (and easy-to-prepare) meals will fire your metabolism up to new heights!

The best part is that even someone who can't boil an egg will be able to complete these recipes without drama and enjoy, and they taste DELICIOUS.

Module #2: Fat-Burning Booster Drinks

We all live busy lives these days, so it can be tough to plan cooked meals that keep you burning fat all day long. Especially when you're raising kids!
To help those who find themselves always in demand, I've developed a ton of fast, tasty, and POWERFUL fat- burning smoothies to allow you to stay lean and mean while on the go.

Module #3: 15 Pounds In 2 Weeks: Diary

To get you quick results in just the first 2 weeks of The Skinny Asian Diet I've prepared a simple schedule diary of exactly what to make, when to eat it, and every other activity to get you up and running.

The calendar/diary format is simple to follow, and it can be used over and over as long as you like to keep dropping weight continuously!

Module #4: Fast Start Video

Before you begin the full program there are a few bad habits I want to fix that could be hurting your weight loss efforts without you knowing it.

This short video will let you correct some of the bigger no-no things you may be doing, and prep your system for losing weight at FULL SPEED!

Module #5: Relax To Burn: Hypnosis (Audio)

This is SO important to your success, I can't stress it enough. It's my favorite self-hypnosis audio program for de-stressing and programming the brain for long-term weight loss!

It's worth the entire price of the program's that powerful in your fight againt fat, and without it would take you TWICE as long to achieve your goals...

The "Magic 7" Asian techniques and methods that BURN FAT even while you're sleeping!
The common Asian product that boosts metabolism by 25% or MORE, even in small amounts!
The Asian practice that not only causes weight-loss quickly but also protects from CANCER!
The secret Asian ingredient that dramatically reduces fat around the waist!
The organic and natural sugar substitute that Asians use to satisfy cravings for sweets!
The 3 most important things at dinner that keep American dieters from EVER losing weight!
The 7 simple rules that let Asian Women enjoy every meal while dropping INCHES and POUNDS!
The Asian method of training your brain to block hormones that cause us to gain weight!
The simple and FUN movement Asian Women do that sheds pounds without sweating or effort!
The 2 incredible fat-destroying techniques that are done while relaxing in your bathtub!
The simple way Asian Women quickly break down stubborn fat deposits in problem areas!
The AMAZING way to burn calories while sitting on the couch watching TV!

These simple techniques will get you OFF that endless treadmill, and will let you throw away that bag of horrible dry and bland rice cakes forever...

Ever notice how you don't see Asian Women doing those things?

It's because we use tips like the ones above to turbocharge our metabolism to the point where our body is burning calories every second of every single day regardless of what we're eating!

Learn Tips That Will Ignite Your Fire-Burning Core:

The secret cooking ingredient that NATURALLY blocks carbs from creating fat cells around your thighs!
The 2 things that keep Women from having success losing weight and how to BEAT them!
The rare food item that 88% of non-Asian Women don't get enough of that UNLOCKS weight loss!
The four "safe" substances in your kitchen that sabotage losing inches around your waist!
The special mid-afternoon snack Asian women eat to feel full for 6+ HOURS!
The secret thing Asians take at night to completely reset their fat-eliminating prcoess for the next day!
The midnight treat Asian Women eat before bed that revs up a calorie-burning hormone while sleeping!
The 4 over-the-counter drugs that slow DOWN your metabolism and cause weight gain quickly!
The vitamin deficiency in American diets that is making you retain fat cells around your WAIST!
The reason exercising and eating less actually CAUSES fat gain and why Asian Women don't do it!
The easy way Asians get rid of toxins in their body, which are responsible for CELLULITE buildup!
The simple technique that allows Asian Women to eat MORE and still LOSE, and how you can too!

The Skinny Asian Diet program is the exact system I personally used to lose weight FAST and keep it off, WITHOUT going crazy doing rediculous workouts or taking some dangerous diet pills.

Putting a price on the package isn't easy, because this information isn't available ANYWHERE ELSE in one single plan.

But I do want to get the program into as many people's hands as I can since so many are suffering from the horrors and humilation of being heavy. They're struggling to make it through each day as thoughts of sadness overwhelm them and make life not worth living...

Which means that for a limited time you can get access to everything, the entire Skinny Asian Diet Program, for an ultra-low single payment of just $37.

And to make it even MORE of a no-brainer, if you act NOW I'm going to include some special bonuses that will help you blast the fat even FASTER!

I'll be removing these bonuses after the first 500 purchases as I plan to put them in their own program and sell them seperately (they're that good):

Bonus #1: Secret Herbal Power Tips

Asian Women use everything in their environement that to keep their bodies naturally healthy and thin.

In this Bonus add-on you'll learn about the healing power of plants, leaves, spices, and herbs, and how they not only fight cancer and disease, but also fat!

Powerful information you'll use forever...

Bonus #2: Calorie-Melting Inferno

We talk about "metabolism" and "metabolic rate" constantly in fitness, but what exactly does it mean? And how can you tap into this power within you?

This second Bonus report goes into details about how your metabolism is similar to a raging inferno, and how you can easily light the first match!

Bonus #3: Detox Truth & Lies

Detoxing and "cleanse" programs are popular right now, and for good reason. They offer a great way to improve your health and fix problems with digestion.

But there are things that a detox program does NOT do, and iIn this final Bonus, the details regarding the RIGHT methods to detox safely are examined and explained fully!

You've been sold countless times on health club memberships, nonsense diets that have you eating food that tastes like wood, exercise videos that you get sick of watching over and over...And did you ever keep the weight off with any of them?

Well it's NOT your fault.

We're constantly being marketed to with hype, by ethically-challenged doctors who are paid to back nonsense products, by diet pill manufacturers that sell us things that contain god knows what poisons, and everything else under the weight-loss sun.

Which is why I want to make the following promise to you in writing:

As I said earlier it really is hard to describe just how INCREDIBLE life becomes after you lose all the extra weight you've been dragging around for years...

For me it was about my self-confidence , I felt so unlikeable when I was overweight that it limited everything I did...

Now I attack life with energy and strength, I feel like there is NOTHING that I can't accomplish each day!

I used to make endless excuses for everything, like "the timing isn't right" or "maybe next month" or "I just need to lose 10 pounds first"...etc etc.

Now I feel like each new sunrise holds UNLIMITED OPPURTUNITY, it's as if I've become an entirely new person to both myself and to the people I love!

The greatest gift of this whole experience is knowing that I fought and BEAT the largest DEMON in my life, and that I will NEVER be a slave to fat again!

I know how hard it is to take action when every day seems so hard to get through.

But I want to say just 2 things:

1. You will NEVER be alone. We are going to get through this TOGETHER.

2. I don't want to hear ANY more excuses. I will not let you waste another day!

Those are strong words to hear, for sure. But if you've read this far I KNOW that inside you is a fighter just warming up for the battle of your life...

You DO have it in you to stand up, put on your boxing gloves, and throw that first PUNCH against your fears.

Let me prove to you just how STRONG you can be...Do this for yourself, or do it for someone who loves you.

It's NEVER too late...we can move MOUNTAINS if we JUST TAKE ACTION...

Make It Happen...TODAY

I am 100% sure you can do this as I'm living proof that you DON'T have to exercise hard and you DON'T have to count every calorie in order to lose weight, stay thin, and enjoy a happy healthy life.

I eat whatever I like and stay skinny using these same principals, life wouldn't be worth living without the wonderful pleasure that food gives us!

I love you, and I believe in you. Never give up and remember that your new healthy, sexy, skinny body is waiting for you...release it today.
Catherine Cheng
Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

P.S. - Remember, you'll either lose weight and look incredible with this system or you pay nothing for the experience. The only way you can fail is if you walk away and let fat win...

Click below and start your journey to happiness today:

Finally Live The Life I DESERVE!

Pays/territoire : Mississippi, États-Unis

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